Evidence-Based Theories

& Techniques

The incorporation of evidence-based theories and techniques from mental health professionals guarantees that coaching sessions are firmly rooted in established practices that promote positive transformation while upholding ethical boundaries and the non-clinical essence of life coaching. We will pinpoint the core issues behind obstacles and address them with a solution-oriented perspective.


The Breakthrough Room LLC is a partnership rooted in collaboration. While I bring expertise in human behavior and the mind, you are the authority on yourself. My role is to provide support, offer constructive challenges, and inspire your personal growth. Your active participation, dedication to problem-solving, and willingness to confront obstacles are vital elements in our shared journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the one time purchase and the monthly subscription?

For a one-time purchase, you will have the opportunity to utilize a payment plan, which will make it more cost-effective for some. Your sessions will not have an expiration date, but you can use them at any time.  

For a monthly subscription,
 your sessions will expire and will be expected to be used within the month of purchase. You can cancel your subscription at any time. No payment plan is available. This option is suitable for someone getting started on their journey, looking for more accountability, and wanting to make progress more quickly.

For most, I would recommend the subscription option for 2-3 months, then purchase a one-time option to touch base when your confidence builds. 

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Are my coaching sessions in-person or virtual?

All sessions are virtual.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.

How is Private Coaching different from traditional therapy or self-help resources?

Therapy is a fantastic option, and I would always recommend therapy first if someone is considering it. Still, the sad reality is that therapy is not always accessible or affordable for everyone. While Private Coaching isn’t a replacement for therapy, the material is rooted in evidence-based theories and techniques used in mental health counseling, which means it can serve as a source to help make progress in healing, building self-awareness, understand how you tick and how you can take that knowledge to teach yourself new ways of thinking, overcome psychological obstacles and heal from trauma holding you back from happiness.

Traditional self-help solutions don’t often provide the framework to help the users take the information and provide it consistently through their healing and growth process. Often, self-help solutions may tackle one part of their problem, for example, easing anxiety symptoms or relieving depression.

But what is the root of the issue?

And how can we use that knowledge to benefit long-lasting change?

How can the user implement different strategies at different times in their journey?

Together, we can reflect on the these profound questions and gives you scientific knowledge to understand how your brain works. There are also a variety of exercises you can try. What works for some may not work for you, so you have options in figuring out what best fits your personality and needs.

How long does it take to see results from the coaching?

The timeline for results can vary from person to person. The effectiveness of coaching depends on your commitment and engagement. Some women may start experiencing positive changes early on, while others may take more time. Consistent practice of the provided tools and techniques is key to seeing lasting results.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

All sales are final.

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